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What are the symptoms of arthritis?


Arthritis is a debilitating disease that can cause pain and stiffness in the joints. It can also cause joint deformity if left untreated.


Systemic arthritis attacks the synovial membrane that covers the cartilage of the joints and secretes a lubricating fluid: the synovium. This fluid allows the joints to move without pain.


Systemic arthritis can affect: hands, feet, shoulders, knees, elbows or wrists.


Arthritis can make it difficult to perform daily activities such as walking, dressing or cooking. Arthritis is a chronic condition that can last for years.


If you experience these symptoms contact us, we can help you


What causes arthritis?


Sytemic arthritis occurs when the patient's immune system is triggered, causing a cascade of reactions that lead to the exaggerated production of a substance called cytosine.


This substance causes inflammation of the joints, which leads to pain and stiffness, and then deformation of the joint.


Arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the body's joints.


There are several types of arthritis that can be caused by trauma or infection, but also autoimmune diseases where your immune system attacks its own tissue.


Treatment and prevention

Arthritis is a common condition affecting the joints, causing pain and inflammation.

Although arthritis cannot be completely cured, there are ways to treat and prevent its symptoms.

Treatment for arthritis can include anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapies, the use of assistive devices and lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

To prevent arthritis, we recommend maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding joint injuries, regular physical activity and strengthening the muscles around the joints.





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