Painful legs syndrome
There are many conditions that can be linked to painful legs. Here are some examples of the conditions we treat. Before you leave us, here is a complementary video on the subject.
Hello, I am Dr. Michèle Bernatchez DC, B Sc, chiropractor at Chiro Ste-Rose. Today, I'd like to share with you a few tips to help you suffer less from back pain while driving.
So if you suffer from lumbagoof lumbosciatica orherniated discsThis blog is for you.
This is the position in the car that we will address today to help you have less pain when you are on the road.
When I stand, I have a lumbar curve.
When I sit down, I will be tempted to keep it as much as possible.
This is how the spinal column absorbs shocks better. Most cars have a lumbar support that you can inflate in the back.
This will give you the support you need.
If your car can't do it enough, you can always take a rolled up towel and put it behind your back.
Otherwise you can buy a small cushion that will do the trick.
So when you sit back and rest on your cushion, it will maintain your lumbar curve.
This way, the disks are less stressed and less inherited.
So now, if we look in the rearview mirror.
Often, we tend to slip while driving. You get tired, you slip, then you can't see back.
Ideally, we set our mirror at the right height and then don't touch it again. When you can't see backwards, you're in a really bad position and that's a warning that you need to change your posture.
So all the time you're going to be driving, also make sure to stretch your back out as much as possible to keep your posture upright throughout your drive.
I wish you good luck with this.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Dr. Michèle Bernatchez DC, B Sc