
everything you need to know about...

Tennis elbow

The lateral epicondylitis
(tennis elbow)

What's this?

Lateral epicondylitis is the most common elbow injury. It affects many participants in racquet sports, whether they are amateurs or professionals.
This injury also occurs during repetitive movements involving the wrist, whether at work or during daily activities.
As a result of overexertion, inflammation occurs where muscles and tendons attach to the elbow. The muscles and tendons involved are those that allow the wrist and fingers to extend.
Without proper treatment, this condition can develop into a chronic and recurring problem. Degeneration or partial tearing of the tendon is possible.

The affected person will have pain in the elbow, the pain will be localized on the side of the elbow

the causes

Exercise abuse ("too much, too soon" syndrome)
Weakness and imbalance of the musculature
Repetitive stress and chronic injuries involving the muscles and tendons of the forearm
Unsuitable equipment
Bad technique

You will often have pain in your elbow during repetitive movements

Do you have elbow pain or "tennis elbow"?
This is a common problem!

The Chiropractic approach and treatments

for the tennis elbow

severe lumbar sprain
Change in activities associated with the condition
Decrease inflammation with the help of ice (20 minutes / 2 hours) and complementary therapies including neurocryotherapy.
Joint manipulations and soft tissue work (Active Release Techniques and Graston) to correct the biomechanics of the elbow and reduce scar tissue.
Joint manipulations and soft tissue work (Active Release Techniques and Graston) to correct the biomechanics of the elbow and reduce scar tissue.
Stretching exercises
Exercises to strengthen and stabilize the elbow
Medication (anti-inflammatory) as needed
Orthopedic apparatus and kinesiology taping to reduce pressure on the damaged tendon.
Cortisone injections as needed
Very rare surgical procedures
Platelet rich plasma


From the tennis elbow

An acute condition, where symptoms have been present for less than 4 weeks, is treated in 2 to 6 weeks.
Chronic condition, for which symptoms have been present for more than 8 weeks, may require 3 to 6 months.


If you experience these symptoms see your chiropractor.
